Pete Freitag Pete Freitag

6 Tags for ColdFusion beginners

Updated on December 06, 2023
By Pete Freitag

The ColdFusion Developers Journal has an article called: CF Six Pack by Greg Cerveny which lists 6 tags new developers should be using.

I pretty much agree with all the tags on the list, except for cfsetting, I think if your a newbie, just enable whitespace suppression in the CF admin.

Here's the list:

  1. cfparam
  2. cfqueryparam
  3. cfsetting
  4. cfsavecontent
  5. cfsilent
  6. cfdump

I would have put cfdump much higher on the list as well. But it is a good article for beginners if they are not keen on those tags.

cfml cfparam cfqueryparam cfsetting cfsavecontent cfsilent cfdump

6 Tags for ColdFusion beginners was first published on April 05, 2005.

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I think maybe CFQuery and CFOutput should be on the list. CFQueryparam isn't going to do much good if you don't know cfquery. And without cfoutput, well, stuff would just suck.
by Jennifer Larkin on 04/05/2005 at 7:24:03 PM UTC
I think the point of the list was for tags that beginners might not know. I guess it was assumed that cfquery, and cfoutput were in use. You can't really do much w/o using cfoutput.
by Pete Freitag on 04/05/2005 at 8:00:55 PM UTC
cfsetting is useful, but for beginners not that important.
by Pete Freitag on 04/06/2005 at 9:24:32 AM UTC
I didn't think I was a 'beginner' (I've been a CF coder for over a year now), but I am only familiar with 4 of those tags, even though I do use CFCs, session management, and some other 'advanced' practices. Just goes to show I still have a lot to learn.
by Yacoubean on 04/06/2005 at 12:55:13 PM UTC
Yeah, I meant the article to be about 5 tags for beginners, and wrote about 6 so that I could pick the best 5. The cfsetting would have been the one I would have cut out. Thanks for the feedback!
by Greg Cerveny on 05/18/2005 at 4:23:18 PM UTC