Are Blog Readers more Advanced?
By Pete Freitag

I was just noticing the results of Ben Forta's current poll "Do you use CFCs?", and the mode of the results was "I'd code no other way", getting 45% of the results, and "I use them occasionally" is in second with 24%.
So 69% of Ben's readers use CFCs - I find that number to be kind of surprising. CFCs although they have been around for over 2 years are still new to many developers. I talk to lots of people who don't know why they would want to use them or even what they are. I had always assumed that the majority of ColdFusion developers were not using CFCs. I also run into a lot of people who are still running on CF5 or 4.x, they can't even use CFCs!
So this means either CFCs are being used by the majority of developers, or it means that blog readers represent the more advanced crowd, or you people lie in these polls!
I think the most plausible answer is that blog readers are just more advanced (if you guys actually read all the stuff we post then I guess that makes sense). But to find out I created a poll of my own, and no lying this time!
Just to be sure here are the definitions for each answer:
- Kung Fusion Master Flash - you know everything there is to know about ColdFusion. You have used every tag and function. You have contributed to the community by writing articles, books, bloggin. You have written code that is used by lots of other developers.
- Advanced - Your considered the top developer at work. You keep up with all the news and community resources (mailing lists, blogs, etc). You learn quickly and try out new features and new technologies. You have used or played with most if not all language features.
- Intermediate - You can get the job done, and get it done quite well. You read articles and books to enhance your skills. You may not be an expert but you can find a way to solve most problems.
- Beginner - Still new to the language. You can create basic web applications, but nothing too advanced.
- Newbie - You just started learning. What is CFQUERY?
Are Blog Readers more Advanced? was first published on September 03, 2004.
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