Pete Freitag Pete Freitag

CFSummit 2016 Slides

Updated on May 27, 2020
By Pete Freitag

Update: For my latest ColdFusion security info, please watch my ColdFusion Security Training class.

Here are my slides from the Adobe ColdFusion Summit 2016 conference in Las Vegas:

The conference appeared to be a great success with about 500 people in attendance. My company Foundeo Inc. was a Gold Sponsor again this year. I met a lot of great ColdFusion developers, thanks for saying hello.

I also presented a full day pre-conference workshop on CFML Security along with Dave Epler. This session went very well and was sold out at 50 people. For this session (and other CFML security training classes I teach) I built a CFML web application called Bank of Insecurity you can find the code on github here.

coldfusion cfsummit security presentations cfml lockdown

CFSummit 2016 Slides was first published on October 17, 2016.

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