CSS Techniques Roundup - 20 CSS Tips and Tricks
Updated on November 17, 2023
By Pete Freitag
By Pete Freitag

I never cease to be amazed at what problems can be solved with pure CSS. Here are 20 CSS techniques, tips and tricks that you may find handy:

- CSS Uppercase
- Rounded Corners
- Rounded Corners without images
- Creating a Netflix style star ratings
- Tableless forms
- Styling Lists with CSS
- 2 Column Layout Technique
- 3 Column Layout with CSS
- 3 Column Fixed width centered layout
- Printing with CSS
- Adding a CSS stylesheet to an RSS feed
- Footer Stick
- CSS Element Hover Effect
- Styling Horizontal Rules
- Clearing Floats
- CSS Popups
- Box Punch
- Orange RSS Buttons with pure CSS
- 10 CSS Tricks you may not know
- 10 More CSS Tricks you may not know
Do you have other good tips tricks and techniques? Please post them in the comments.
Update: I have started working on a CSS Cheat Sheet that you may find handy.
Update Again: I removed several links that no longer work.
CSS Techniques Roundup - 20 CSS Tips and Tricks was first published on September 22, 2005.