Eclipse 3.1 Million Download Challenge
By Pete Freitag
The Eclipse community is doing a million download challenge for Eclipse 3.1. Over 40 Eclipse community members have agreed to pledge time or money to a charity every day from the time they reach 1 million downloads up to 60 days from the release. So the faster they reach the goal, the more they give:
It took roughly 60 days for us to ship 1 million copies of 3.0.2. We feel we can do better than this for 3.1. For every day less than 60 that it takes for us to reach our 1 millionth download, willing members of the Eclipse community will donate either time or money (as appropriate) to a charity of their choosing. For instance, if it takes us 20 days to reach 1 million then those pledging will donate 40 times (60 days less 20) whatever they've pledged.
There is no better time to get off your butt, and try out the cfeclipse editor. Especially now that Macromedia has pledged to support the plugin.
You can also support the challenge with time or money:
Eclipse 3.1 Million Download Challenge was first published on July 06, 2005.
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