Pete Freitag Pete Freitag

How to Confuse with Color

Updated on November 17, 2023
By Pete Freitag

color legend This screen shot is taken from a Virtuozzo Power Panel, which despite my complaints here, has some nice features for managing a VPS.

As you can see they use a light shade of red for the red zone, and then red for the black zone. At least they are using yellow for the yellow zone - but what is the difference between each zone, I'm guessing that the black zone is the worst (meaning my resources are low), but it just is a very confusing color scheme.

vzpp screenshot

Above is a screen shot example of the coloring in use. The table header, and alternating row coloring don't help things. Also notice the black text on red background - a color contrast no no.

color contrast design ui vps virtuozzo

How to Confuse with Color was first published on January 04, 2007.

If you like reading about color, contrast, design, ui, vps, or virtuozzo then you might also like:

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Hey Pete,

That's wonderful, in a tragic way.

Maybe you should submit it to the pop-up potpurri category of

by Joe Rinehart on 01/04/2007 at 8:37:24 PM UTC