Pete Freitag Pete Freitag

IconBuffet Free Delivery

Updated on November 17, 2023
By Pete Freitag

icon buffet logo The Icon Buffet has a pretty cool program called Free Icon Delivery:

Once a month, IconBuffet will deliver a free collection of stock icons (a Free Delivery) to your IconBuffet account. These special icons are royalty-free for both commercial and personal use.

I bet this program does pretty well from a marketing standpoint, because it gets me to visit their site every month to get my free icons. When I'm there I usually browse around a bit. If I ever need to buy some icons, I'm sure they will be the first place I check.

They also allow you to swap icons with other members, if you wanna swap I have Helsinki Hi-Fi, Oslo Atmosphere, Shanghai Tech Smilies, and Tower Grove Melee. Just post a comment, or contact me.

icons iconbuffet design graphics

IconBuffet Free Delivery was first published on April 07, 2006.

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