Java Unlimited Strength Crypto Policy for Java 9 or 1.8.0_151
By Pete Freitag

Starting with Java 1.8.0_151 and 1.8.0_152 there is a new somewhat easier way to enable the unlimited strength jurisdiction policy for the JVM. Without enabling this you cannot use AES-256 for example.
First download the JRE, I like to use the server-jre
for servers. When you extract the server-jre look for the file
in the jre/lib/security
folder. For example for Java 1.8.0_152 the file structure looks like this:
/jdk1.8.0_152 |- /jre |- /lib |- /security |-
Now open
with a text editor and look for the line that defines the java security property crypto.policy
it can have two values limited
or unlimited
- the default is limited
By default you should find a commented out line:
You can enable unlimited by uncommenting that line, remove the #
Now restart your java applications that point to the JVM and you should be all set.
Java Unlimited Strength Crypto Policy for Java 9 or 1.8.0_151 was first published on October 19, 2017.
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