Pete Freitag Pete Freitag

Joel Spolsky to give Keynote at CFUnited / CFUN 05

Updated on November 14, 2023
By Pete Freitag

It has not been posted to the CFUnited web site yet, but Joel Spolsky mentioned on his blog that he will be giving the Keynote at CFUnited (used to be CFUN) this year.

Way in the future, like, July or something, I'll be giving a keynote at the Cold Fusion conference in Washington, D.C. More about that as we get closer. Joel Spolsky

If your not familiar with Joel Spolsky, he runs a very popular weblogs called Joel on Software. He has since gone on to create Trello, and helped create StackOverflow.

Joel Spolsky to give Keynote at CFUnited / CFUN 05 was first published on February 07, 2005.


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