Pete Freitag Pete Freitag

New Poll: What version of CF are you running in production?

Published on February 04, 2005
By Pete Freitag

Steve Bryant wanted to know what version of CF most people are running these days, so the question on my new poll is "What version of CF are you running in production?"

You can vote more than once if you run more than one version in production, but please only vote once for each version.

We run ColdFusion MX 6.1 on our main production server, and BlueDragon Free Edition on a secondary web server. We use this secondary web server for old sites, and other low traffic sites. BlueDragon seams to work well for this, I don't think it has ever crashed.

New Poll: What version of CF are you running in production? was first published on February 04, 2005.

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mx 6.1 on dev and production
by dan on 02/04/2005 at 4:24:05 PM UTC
Dan, you can vote on the bottom right side of the page using the flash pollster
by Pete Freitag on 02/04/2005 at 4:25:35 PM UTC
I just have a suggestion. I think there are really two versions of ColdFusion MX - The Server (Stand-Alone version) and the J2EE version. I do think there is a distinct difference, even if running on JRun (J2EE).
by Mike Brunt on 02/04/2005 at 9:13:34 PM UTC