Open Source at Adobe
Published on June 08, 2005
By Pete Freitag
By Pete Freitag

I noticed this snip about open source software at Adobe on the O'Reilly Radar:
The Adobe chap had interesting things to say about their heavily constrained use of open source: they basically have a sandbox where open source is allowed but at some point between the sandbox and the Adobe core products, open source becomes verboten. Not even open source compilers, even when they don't link to open source libraries. Things may be changing, though: Adobe has its own open source projects now.
Interesting... I haven't seen that open source site from Adobe before either. The site looks like a bunch of common api's and libraries written in C++
Open Source at Adobe was first published on June 08, 2005.
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Has been there for over a half year now:)
by t on 06/08/2005 at 5:50:53 PM UTC