Over 90% of trackbacks were spam
By Pete Freitag

I haven't been monitoring my trackbacks for a while, and when I checked them this morning I found a ton of spam. After I was finished deleting around 700 trackbacks (not by hand, I ran queries with spam words).
I found that over 90% of all the trackbacks that I've had on my blog are spam. That figure was a little higher than I expected. Keep in mind that I wasn't doing much to filter them out. I generally like the idea of trackbacks, so I'm not going to disable them. Would you stop using email just because you get a lot of spam? No you get a better filter.
So that's just what I did, and thankfully Ray Camden just posted a list (http://ray.camdenfamily.com/index.cfm/2006/3/1/BlogCFC-Trackback-Spam-List-Exposed) of trackback spam words that I was able to easily use in my own blog software. Thanks Ray!.
Update: they reached nearly 100% spam so I ended up disabling trackbacks.
Over 90% of trackbacks were spam was first published on March 02, 2006.
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