RSS and XPath
By Pete Freitag

I came across a handy reference article on today that gives XPath queries for RSS and Atom feeds. Just last week I was attempting to parse a RSS 1.0 feed in CFMX using the XMLSearch coldfusion function function. I'm running into problems however due to the name spaces in RSS 1.0, here's the code I'm using:
<cfhttp url="" method="get" /> <cfset rss = XMLParse(cfhttp.filecontent)> <!--- get an array of items ---> <cfset items = XMLSearch(rss, "/rdf:RDF/item")> <cfdump var="#items#">
The result is that the items array is empty. I think this is a namespace issue, but I'm not really sure. Is this a bug? Anyone have an idea?
BTW if your looking to parse RSS 0.9x or 2.0 with XPath check out this older blog post.
RSS and XPath was first published on April 08, 2004.
If you like reading about rss, xpath, cfml, coldfusion, xml, or xmlsearch then you might also like:
- Parsing RSS 1.0 with ColdFusion MX
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- XPath Tool
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I tried that as well previously, it also returned an empty array. Were you able to get that to work?
as does this:
Because of the namespaces, you have to explicitly specify that 'item' has an empty namespace prefix.
XmlSearch(myRSS, "//*[name()='item']")
XmlSearch(myRSS, "//*[name()='item']")
I have a question about looping through the resulting array. What should the xpath be when looking for the description, title and item of the children?
XmlSearch(rss, "//item")
That way you don't have to worry about what version of RSS you're parsing... you'll always get an array of items.