Pete Freitag Pete Freitag

Yahoo Pipes Generates Invalid RSS Feeds

Published on February 22, 2007
By Pete Freitag

I was doing some regression testing today on foundeo's feed parser for ColdFusion today, and when I saw some posts today on Yahoo Pipes, so I thought I'd add one of their RSS feeds to my test harness.

When I ran the test I found that the dates were not parsing correctly. After a closer look at their RSS 2.0 feed I noticed that they are formatting dates using ISO 8601 (for example: 2007-02-22T20:06:31.0-00:00).

I know what your thinking: An RSS 2.0 feed using an ISO 8601! Everyone knows RSS 2.0 uses RFC 822 for formatting dates (eg: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 20:06:31 GMT)! ISO 8601 is used in Atom and RSS 1.0 feeds. Ok, you probably weren't thinking that, but if you had been messing with RSS feeds today you might have.

A quick test on will confirm that RFC 822 is required for RSS 2.0. It's just a little suprising that Yahoo didn't do that before launching this awesome service!

rss atom feeds yahoo pipes foundeo validation

Yahoo Pipes Generates Invalid RSS Feeds was first published on February 22, 2007.

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Interesting note, though I didn't have any problem adding the feed to my reader(s). You should, however, submit a bug since this is technically a beta.
by Brian Rinaldi on 02/22/2007 at 5:43:33 PM UTC
What software do you use for your regression testing?
by Johnny on 04/28/2007 at 1:39:36 PM UTC
On the subject of rss and pipes; I created a couple of pipes just to see what it was all about but when I subscribe to the feed I get the posts with all the html. What did I miss???
by ray on 06/01/2007 at 11:30:27 AM UTC